Be pure in heart
Rev Enoch Thompson | JANUARY 26, 2023 | MATTHEW 5:8
KEY VERSE: Matthew 5:8 (NIV)
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
We are used to the external expression of things, and often in the matter of spirituality, we use external expressions to cover up what are the realities in the sight of God. The heart is often used in the Bible to refer to the inner man, the spirit part of our being. It is possible to have a corrupt heart, a sinful infested poisoned spirit, and appear before people as worshipping God.
The Lord Jesus demands and indicates that those who are His true Kingdom citizens must be people of pure hearts. A pure heart is one that has been cleansed by God of the contamination of the original sin of Adam and Eve which we inherit as humans. It is a heart that has been yielded to God as His throne and in which God rules by His Spirit through His Word. A pure heart is one which has determined to sacrifice all the allurements and attractions of sin and to honour God in all things, even to the point of dying for the truth of God and His Kingdom. We need pure hearts!
The reward for the pure-hearted is that they will see God. They will see God means that they will experience God in this life. Their Christianity will be one in which God is not a far-away ancient personality trapped in the pages of an ancient book. They will come to the place where they receive interactions with God. The Lord Jesus said, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." John 14:21 (NIV). Wow, what a prospect that God will visit you and me! When God visits us, He will meet our needs.
“They will see God” means that they will experience God in Heaven. The state in which we shall see God face to face and live in His presence forever in Heaven. The pure in Heart alone will enter into God’s holy Heaven (Rev. 21:27).
Search your heart before God and see the state in which you are. Is the heart pure or polluted, or even mixed up? Determine to maintain a pure heart always.
Lord, I bring my heart before you and ask that you reveal me to myself as I wait in your presence. Forgive every pollution of my heart, make me pure, and help me keep pure. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.