Be the light of the world
Rev Enoch Thompson | JANUARY 30, 2023 | MATTHEW 5:14-16
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14 (NIV)
The Jewish and Christian use of the concepts of light and darkness to symbolize the difference between God and Satan, good and evil, right and wrong is shared by other human societies across the globe. The difference between light and darkness and how each of the two is appreciated is seen when electrical power goes out in a community, and you hear the “Oooh” all around you. Similarly, when the power comes back on you hear the “Yeaaah” from the children as well as the adults. Light is always preferable, except for those whose evil activities require the cover of darkness.
The Lord Jesus Christ continues to teach His disciples, including present-day disciples, of their place in the context of the spiritual, moral, social and physical reality of life on earth. He makes the startling declaration to those who were His disciples, “You are the light of the world.” What did the Lord mean?
The believer is a presence that works contrary to the forces of darkness that seek to overpower individuals, communities and the whole of human society. The presence of the believer should make evil disappear or at least want to hide.
The believer is an attraction; something happens to the person who chooses to follow the Christ, so much so that they become the interest of those who see them. They are like a city set on a hill; they cannot hide nor be hidden. Believers must cause heads to turn in a positive way! The ordinary nobodies that the men the Lord called to Him were, before their calling, became known as those who “had been with Jesus!” This also means that they are under the scrutiny of others and are hated or disliked by some because their brightness exposes the darkness in those others.
The light must shine to be truly the light. A hidden lamp is an anomaly. The light is good and does good and must not be ashamed to stand out as the light. The disciples of the Lord Jesus fetch their light from Christ “the Light of the world.” As we shine out in a world of darkness people see our brightness and give praise and thanks to God, our light-source.
Are you daily conscious that you are the light of the world? Is your life bringing praise and glory to God the source of our light? Do not be ashamed to be different from the darkness. You are the light of the world! Arise up and shine.
Dear Light of the world, Lord Jesus, thank you, not only for transferring me from the kingdom of darkness but for making me the light of the world. Please help me to shine, and to bring glory and honour to you. For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.