Beware of dogs!
Rev Enoch Thompson | FEBRUARY 27, 2023 | MATTHEW 7:6

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. . .” Matthew 7:6 (NIV)
We have seen many a doorpost in many places which says BEWARE OF DOGS. Those signs are talking about domestic dogs that may be unfriendly to the visitor, and for which reason, the notice is posted. However, there are more vicious dogs, also described as pigs, by the Lord, who will not only offend the Kingdom citizen physically but also morally and spiritually. The Lord uses the strong terms of “dogs” and “pigs” to describe some types of people with whom Kingdom citizens will have to interact. From a Jewish mouth, the terms here used are strong derogatory words. People who love sin and practice it with gladness are filthy in the eyes of God, no matter how socially well-placed and intellectually advanced. They are dogs and they are pigs.
The Kingdom citizen is called to a life of purity by which they manifest the divine image in which humans were initially created. The life of the believer in Christ should, as we saw in our reflection on Matthew 7:1-5, expose the distasteful lifestyle of ungodly people around them. Whether in the marketplace, the neighbourhood or even in the Church, we are to be alerted that there are pigs and there are dogs; people who wallow in filth, love filth and eat back their vomit. Sad to say, there are pigs in the Church, in its pulpits and in its pews (Lord have mercy)!
Wherever we may meet such people the lesson here is to avoid cheapening ourselves in our interactions with them by allowing them access to the precious heights that grace has lifted us into. There are pigs and dogs who want to take advantage of the Kingdom citizen sexually, in social dealings, in conversation, and then turn around and disgrace them to the whole world. Pigs and dogs will engage the believer in unacceptable behaviour and then turn around and attack them.
Jesus-Followers must be careful not to throw their precious pearls, our salvation, our giftings, our deliverances, our hope for the coming of Christ, our looking forward to the coming of the Lord, the privilege of walking with God, the call to live above sin and Satan and the inexpressible blessings of being children of God etc, before the dogs and pigs of our generation and our environment.
Have you met any dogs and pigs in your journey? Have you thrown some pearls before them? It is time to pick up the broken pieces and place them before the Lord and ask for restoration. Thereafter, beware of dogs, and steer away from pigs!
Dear Master Jesus, what a word from your precious lips. But thank you for the truth you communicate, and the demands it places on me. Please guide me by your Spirit within, to guard the divine deposits in me, and to consistently refuse to cast my pearls before pigs, or get dogs to lick my face. For your dear Name’s sake. Amen.