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Beware of hypocrites and imposters

Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | July 27, 2023 | Matthew 22:11-14


But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless. Matthew 22:11-12 (NIV)


It is interesting to note that even in the banquet where everyone is supposed to have a free entry there could still be people who are imposters. In our earlier devotional “Free Gate” we understood that the gate of the wedding feast was opened to anyone. But today we will learn that not everyone will be welcomed as a guest. This sounds very contradictory but let us talk about it in the next few paragraphs.

In our text today the king found a man at the wedding feast who was not properly dressed for the occasion; he did not have a wedding garment. He immediately ordered the man to be bound hands and feet and cast out into outer darkness.

As much as salvation is free, one must accept the invitation by accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour of their lives and live their lives for Him. Accepting and living for Him is what produces the beautiful yarns to sew your wedding garment. It provided you with the right attire to remain at the wedding banquet and belong in that space.

Just like the man who did not have the wedding garment but found his way into the people at the feast, Christ warned us that, there will be such men among us today who will use his name to cast out demons and prophesy and perform miracles. But they are none of His. He called them evildoers. There are in our day, many such men, who are deceiving the same people God is calling to Himself. And one needs to decern to know what the will of God is to stay aligned. The king will question such soon and they will be found wanting. But beware, for they walk and live among us.


The proof that you have accepted Jesus, is you living for Him and allowing Him to live through you. As you do the will of your Father in heaven after accepting His son, your good deeds provide the golden yarns needed to sew the beautiful wedding garment you will wear at the wedding feast. We are saved unto good deeds, therefore do not grow weary in doing good.


My Father my Father, help me to decern and know your will. Give me the grace to study and know your word, so I will not be deceived and swayed by every wave of doctrine. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.


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