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Catch the vision - rise up and join the work

Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | October 29, 2023 | Nehemiah 2:16-18

KEY VERSE: So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. Nehemiah 2:18b

MESSAGE: It is said that when people understand the vision, they are motivated to contribute to achieving it. Again, when people internalise the vision, they own it and they are more likely to put in all the work to ensure the vision is achieved.

Nehemiah was the only one who knew exactly what the God of heaven wanted him to do in Jerusalem. During his inspection of the work, he did not share the vision and assignment with anyone, including the officials, the Jews, the nobles, the priests, or the workers. However, once he was sure of the magnitude of work required to fulfil the vision, he communicated the entire assignment and vision to all of them in verses 17 and 18. Nehemiah made sure to explain the divine nature of the task in clear terms so that everyone understood it and gained their support. The vision and assignment were broken down to make it a common goal for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that they could work towards a single objective of removing the reproach from Jerusalem. The task was simple: to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem as directed by God and sponsored by the King. The inhabitants, now motivated by their understanding of the vision and assignment, said, "LET US RISE UP AND BUILD". The verse states that they put their hands to this good work.

Leadership thrives when visions are communicated with clarity, fostering shared understanding and purpose among the people. Once the people have bought into the vision, it becomes their responsibility to take action and work together towards achieving the common goal.


What vision for the Kingdom agenda has been communicated to you? Have you caught it? Do you understand it? Rise up and join the work, let us build.


Heavenly Father, grant me the understanding I need to devote myself to the vision of your kingdom’s expansion. Help me to communicate this understanding to others, to come on board and join in building the kingdom. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.



DAILY word study: RISE UP The phrase "rise up" is translated from the Hebrew root קוּם (qum). In Hebrew, this verb implies more than just a physical rising; it conveys a call to action, a mobilization or a response to a situation. It's not merely standing up but standing up with purpose and determination.

Through Scriptures, this term is used to indicate:

  • Leadership and Initiative: In numerous instances in the Bible, the call to "rise up" is associated with taking leadership and initiative. For example, God often commands individuals to "rise up" when assigning them a task or leadership role. Genesis 13:17

  • Response to a Call: The phrase is frequently used when God or a leader calls someone to a specific mission or work. It signifies a response to a divine or authoritative call to action. Exodus 3:7

  • Preparation for Action: "Rise up" can also imply readiness for action. It suggests getting up from a passive state and preparing oneself for a task, whether it be a physical action or a spiritual endeavour. 1 Samuel 17:48

In the context of Nehemiah, the use of "rise up" is particularly poignant. It's a call for the people to take an active role in the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem. It's not merely about physical construction but about the rebuilding of the community and spiritual restoration.

In applying this phrase to our lives, we are prompted to consider the areas where we need to "rise up." Where is God calling us to take initiative, to respond to a divine call, to prepare for action, or to be leaders in rebuilding and restoring what may be broken?


In what areas of your life is God prompting you to "rise up" and take action, whether it's in your personal spiritual journey, your relationships, or a specific mission or task?

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