Convinced or Deceived? Part 1 - The Test of Conviction
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | April 29, 2024 | John 7:45-53

The officers answered, “No man ever spoke like this Man!” John 7:46 (NKJV)
In John 7:45-53, we witness the Pharisees' attempt to apprehend Jesus, but the officers sent to arrest him return empty-handed, captivated by his teachings. The Pharisees rebuke them, questioning their loyalty and condemning their belief in Jesus. This passage prompts us to consider where our convictions lie.
Just as the officers were confronted with whether to follow the crowd or embrace the truth, we too face similar life decisions. Do the opinions of others easily sway us, or do we stand firm in our convictions, rooted in the truth of God's Word? Let us seek to be like the officers convinced by Jesus' teachings, unwavering in their commitment to follow him.
May this passage serve as a reminder to examine the foundation of our faith and the depth of our convictions. Let us be discerning in our pursuit of truth, seeking wisdom and guidance from God's Word. And as we navigate the complexities of life, may our convictions be anchored in the unchanging truth of Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
What do you believe in? why do you believe what you believe? Are you convinced you are believing the right things? Do you believe Jesus is who he says he is? Are you convinced that the teachings of Jesus are true? Your faith is built on what you hear and believe. Therefore, be careful what you hear.
Lord, I believe in you. I believe in your son who came to die for me and took my place in death. And I believe he will come again someday to judge the living and the dead. Help me to be found in you when he comes. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.
DAILY word study: THIS MAN
The Greek word used for "this man" in John 7:46 is "οὗτος" (houtos), which typically denotes a more immediate or emphatic reference to someone or something. Here, it highlights the guards' recognition of Jesus as a specific individual with remarkable authority and character.
This choice of words by the guards indicates their astonishment at Jesus' teachings and demeanour. Despite their initial intent to arrest him, they are struck by his words and presence, acknowledging him as someone beyond the ordinary. Their use of "houtos" conveys a sense of immediacy and wonder at Jesus' impact on them.
Reflections: Are we, like the guards, amazed by his teachings and drawn to his presence? Or do we dismiss him without truly understanding the depth of his wisdom and power? Let's allow ourselves to be captivated by the person of Jesus and embrace the transformative power of his words and presence.