Convinced or Deceived? Part 3 - Choosing Conviction Over Deception
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | May 1, 2024 | John 7:45-53

Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him? John 7:48 (NKJV)
In our devotional passage, we observe a clear difference between the officers who were convinced by Jesus' teachings and the Pharisees who tried to deceive and discredit him. This highlights the significance of discernment and emphasizes the importance of choosing between conviction and deception.
The officers faced a critical decision—to follow the crowd and comply with the Pharisees' orders or to stand firm in their conviction that Jesus was speaking the truth. Despite the pressure and scrutiny they faced, they chose to align themselves with Jesus, recognizing the authority and wisdom of his words. Their example challenges us to examine our convictions and the influences that shape them.
In a world filled with competing voices and ideologies, it's easy to be swayed by deception and falsehood. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of conviction, grounded in the truth of God's Word. Let us seek discernment and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, who guides us into all truth, and let us choose to walk in the light, even when the path is narrow and the pressures are great.
May this passage inspire us to stand firm in our convictions, resist the schemes of the enemy and hold fast to the truth of Jesus Christ. May our lives bear witness to the power of conviction over deception, leading others to the freedom and hope found in Christ alone
Do not follow the crowds, stand firm in your conviction. Do not cave into the pressure, trust what you have believed in the Spirit of God. Fix your eyes on Jesus, He has never failed.
Sing this song as a prayer:
Will your anchor hold, in the storms of life…
DAILY word study: RULERS
The Greek word for "rulers" here is "ἄρχων" (archon), which can denote those who hold positions of authority or leadership. In this context, it likely refers to the religious authorities who held sway over the Jewish community.
The Pharisees' reference to the rulers highlights their rejection of Jesus' authority and teachings. They assert that because the religious and political leaders have not accepted Jesus, no one else should either. This reveals their arrogance and closed-mindedness, as they prioritize their status and opinions over the truth of Jesus' message.
Do we allow our pride or fear of losing status to prevent us from acknowledging the truth of Jesus' teachings? Are we willing to follow Jesus even if it means going against the opinions or expectations of those in authority?