Don't waste your dreams!
Rev Enoch Thompson | JANUARY 7, 2023 | MATTHEW 2:16-22
After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt," Matthew 2:19 (NIV)
Have you dreamt recently, do you dream sometimes? The Oxford Dictionary defines a dream as “a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal” or as “a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.”
I am inviting you to consider dreams in the sense of the pictures, words and scenes that appear to us in our physical sleep, and pointing to them as important experiences that may make a difference in your development, because they could be effective ways through which God may be communicating to you, to bring you to the accomplishment of His purposes for you.
I have used “may,” to imply that not every dream is a message from God. Some dreams may present themselves to us because of emotional challenges we have in wakeful life, over-tiredness, excessive time surfing the internet or even over-eating before sleep.
However, there is a dimension in our walk with God in which He gives us dreams as a means of His communication to us. Throughout the narrative of the birth of the Lord Jesus, we see how much the Lord used dreams to communicate strategic information concerning the King.
Take some time today to reflect on divine communication through dreams to Joseph (Matthew 1:20; 2:13, 19, 22) and to the Wise Men (Matthew 2:12). It is interesting that when the Lord Jesus approached the cross, another dream was issued to show His innocence, and to point to His death as not being deserved (Matthew 27:19). Can you imagine the twists and turns that could have developed if Joseph and the Wise Men had failed to get the messages sent through dreams?
Does God still speak through dreams? Yes! Should we expect God to speak to us through dreams? Yes! A sanctified mind is a platform for divine communication through dreams!
Keep your mind pure so that God could use that faculty to communicate to you. Ask the Lord to speak to you in and through your dreams. Value your dreams, and ask the Lord to tell you what your dreams mean.
Test your dreams, how? Subject your dreams to the written Word of God, the Bible.
Seek pastoral counsel on your dreams, and act on your dreams.
Don’t waste your dreams!
Dear Lord, you have spoken to many in dreams throughout Bible history. I yield myself to you so that in my dreams your communications will be clear, for the rest of my journey. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!