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Follow due protocol

Rev Enoch Thompson | JANUARY 11, 2023 |

KEY VERSE: Matthew 3:15 (NIV)

Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness." Then John consented.


The conversation between John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ at the banks of the River Jordan leading to His baptism will always make a good cinematographic scene. Two men conceding one to the other, John being surprised at the condescension of the Lord of the universe in human flesh, seeking to identify with fallen human dust in their declaration of sin and baptism to show repentance. The sinless one seeking to be baptised in the baptism of repentance.

With that deep understanding of what he was handling, John rightly sought to prevent the Lord Jesus from subjecting Himself to John’s baptism.

Our lesson today is that all matters of laid down rules and regulations in our discipleship life must be respected and given the necessary attention.

Christ had come as God in human flesh, to die to save humanity from their bondage to Satan and sin. The self-identification was not only in the taking on of the physical form of humans (Phil. 2:5-8) but also in identification with the despicable human lostness to sin and enslavement to Satan. He, therefore, needed to make that fact clear, that He had come as the representative man, who needed to acknowledge sin and be baptized to announce repentance from sin.


You need to be baptized as a public and spiritual declaration of your acknowledgement and repentance of personal damning sin. The protocols of the Lord’s Supper must be attended to with seriousness. Different regulations set out by different local expressions of the body of Christ, for example, premarital counselling, modes of financial contribution, and membership processes, need to be adhered to by members of the community of faith. We are not talking about legalism here, we are talking about protocol. Follow due protocol!


Lord, please help me to align with you in my life and practices in the context of your Church. May the Church be an orderly body because its members keep to laid down rules. For your Name’s sake. Amen!


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