Free gate - anyone can enter
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | July 26, 2023 | Matthew 22:7-10
So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find. Matthew 22:9 (NIV)
Growing up in a footballing community we had times when some top divisional teams came to town to play on the community football pitch. These matches were very hyped and therefore a lot of spectators came to watch. However, the matches were not free to attend and watch, there was a gate fee one had to pay to enter to watch the match. These games were usually played in the late afternoons and were very well attended.
We stood behind the crowds from afar since we could not afford the gate fee, and waited for the time when the organizers would allow anybody who wanted to watch to enter, without paying the gate fee. And this was usually a couple of minutes to the end of proceedings. We would joyously rush in to squeeze through the crowds, to catch a glimpse of our favourite player who came from the main league, to come and be guest players in the local teams. Such precious moments they were. Anybody who desired to watch the match at this point even without the gate fee could enter and watch for free.
In our reading today, we see a similar situation playing out with the guests at the wedding feast. When the invited guest failed to show up for the feast, the king instructed the servants to go out there and invited just anybody into the feast. Pre-arranged invitations did not matter anymore, all were invited to attend. It had become a “free Gate” situation. Some would call it a free-for-all situation.
The king had opened the invitation all everyone, you only had to hear it, accept it and get up and go to the feast.
God has lowered the bar of salvation to a standard that everyone can meet when given the opportunity. Anyone at all could come to God by accepting His message (the invitation) from His sent servants and making that move to come to the feast. We must not deny them the opportunity of hearing the invitation and making that decision whether to attend the wedding feast or not. God is counting on us to send the message to the streets, the highways, byways, houses, and schools, to invite people to the wedding feast; both the good and the bad. Let’s fill up the wedding hall.
Dear Lord, I want to partner with you to reconcile lost humanity to yourself. Grant me the grace and give me the opportunity to invite someone to the wedding feast today. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.