Get the crowd out of the way, please!
Rev Enoch Thompson | March 17, 2023 | Matthew 9:18-26

After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. Matthew 9:25 (NIV)
Our text for the day presents two of the most beautiful miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ, the healing of the woman with the issue of blood, and the bringing back to life of the young girl who died. All around us, there are people who are hurting and who need God’s intervention. Maybe we ourselves are victims of one or another of life’s challenges. We need the help of the Lord, and HE is willing to help, but sometimes the crowds of life tend to get in the way of our search for the intervention of God, and sometimes we are the victims or the causes of these crowd obstructions.
The sick woman in her attempt to get to touch the Master was hindered by the crowd. Mark tells us in his account that “When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, . . . “ Mark 5:27-28 (NIV). She had to force her way through the crowd. When the Lord arrived in the home of the man whose child had died, He was confronted with another crowd, a flute-playing and noisy crowd. How easily the crowds gather, wherever we find ourselves in life, and how readily the crowds get in the way. The woman had managed to beat the crowd and get her healing, but the crowd at the funeral were standing between the One who is Life Himself and the dead girl.
When the Lord tried to let them know that there was hope for the dead girl, the crowd laughed at Him, and will not move out of the way. When the crowd was finally removed the Lord of Life was able to impart freshness of life to the dead girl. Glory be to God!
There are crowds and crowds and crowds. The flute players and the noisy crowd will always show up when we face life’s circumstances, invited or uninvited. They seem to fill the gap of life for a lifeless girl and a mourning family. The crowds with their noise, lack of insight and meaningless laughter, must be put outside of our situations for the Master to get in and do His healing and resuscitating work in the human soul and situation. Christ may be in the house (v. 23), but may not have access to the full situation, because He is blocked by the noise and the din of the crowds, the human approach to things.
Are you part of some crowd blocking someone’s blessings? Are there crowds that you must break through or break away from to get the levels of a closer walk you need with the Lord, or even to access your blessings? Are there people, things or attitudes that get in the way of you experiencing the power and reality of God? Please put away the crowds, fast!
Dear Lord, I am sorry if I have been the crowd that has stood in the way of someone’s experience with you. Please help me get out of their way. For the crowds that disturb and prevent my experience of you, please help me drive out those that lies in my power, and Lord please chase out those I cannot sack. For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.