Kingdom standards are high standards; settle differences quickly!
Rev Enoch Thompson | FEBRUARY 2, 2023 | MATTHEW 5:23-26
"Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.” Matthew 5:25a (NIV)
I have heard the story of a Police officer somewhere who quoted our key verse to a Pastor he had arrested on the road for a supposed traffic offence, implying to him to pay up a bribe quickly before he hauled him to court. That may be an abuse and a misapplication of the intent of the Master in giving this directive. But the message is clear; when you have obvious differences with your brethren, settle them quickly to free you up for your Kingdom acts of worship.
Differences occur between couples, in the family, in the workplace and in the Church. It is the natural human response to take entrenched positions and to want to escalate the tension and the hatred and divisions such differences bring about.
The Lord Jesus Christ teaches us as Kingdom citizens to learn to keep a short account with those around us. Retained anger retains us from the freedom of experiencing true worship. The person who chooses not to forgive imprisons themselves and is not able to realize their fullest potential because of unforgiveness and an unforgiving spirit.
The biggest score that needs to be settled is the separation between the human soul and the holy God. As long as we live, we are on the road to the courthouse of judgment day. Every one of us has an opportunity to settle the difference between us and God by accepting His free offer of eternal life in Jesus Christ. If we do not do this and die, then we will be handed over to eternal torment in Hell.
Have you settled your difference with God concerning your eternal soul? Are there issues in which you still have not settled your differences with God? Do you want to settle matters with people who have hurt you, or whom you would have hurt? We are on the road to the courthouse, settle the differences now!
Lord, I settle every difference between me and you, those known (which I mention to you now), and those I may not know. May I have the power it takes to settle issues with my fellow humans. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.