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Kingdom standards are high standards; stop the adultery!

Rev Enoch Thompson | FEBRUARY 3, 2023 | MATTHEW 5:27-28


(But) I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 5:28 (NIV)


The modern world has made a huge god out of human sexuality, from projecting it by making it a multi-million business to corrupting it with unnatural and unbiblical alternatives that beat the imagination of right-thinking decent people. Sexual attraction and the legitimate satisfaction of sexual desire in humans have been taken hostage by Satan, and he uses it powerfully to distract God’s people from their duty to maintain their bodies as living holy temples of the holy living God.

While most Christians, because of a limited definition of adultery, will not go out of their way to indulge in premarital or extra-marital sexual misconduct, the standards of the Kingdom of God make many of us guilty of breaking the seventh command. By the Lord’s teaching the sin of sexual misconduct is primarily a mental-spiritual thing. When we harbour lustful desires and thoughts about a person and take our initial natural sexual thoughts or feelings to the level of dwelling upon what we could do if we had the opportunity, we cross the line of natural admiration and attraction to the opposite sex (for God created us as sexual beings, male and female), and enter the sphere of lustful sin, even when we do not engage in the physical act. The only missing factor is this sin at this stage is the opportunity to engage in the physical act.

We may point the finger at one who has been caught in an awkward situation, with evidence that they cannot deny. But we need to look inside our own souls, and to see the fingerprints of our sinfulness and to own our guilt.


In a world that is sex-crazy, and which invades our simple attempt to use the internet or other tools, with pictures, videos and images that prick our minds and infest our souls and bodies with sexual desire, will you make up your mind to battle the invitation to poison your mind and spirit by choosing to refuse to dwell on sexual junk?

Or is it possible that by your choices of how you carry yourself, in fashion, manners and content of conversation, you are exposing another person to sin sexually- mentally or physically?


Lord, I am attacked on every side by sexual suggestions and sex-related information. It is difficult to keep my mind free from the suggestions in music, fashion, billboards, videos, and everything around me. Please help me to stay chaste by Kingdom standards in an infested world.

May my choices of music, fashion, images, videos, and everything I do, not endanger another person to fall into adultery by Kingdom standards. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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