Let's be the salt of the earth
Rev Enoch Thompson | JANUARY 29, 2023 | MATTHEW 5:13
KEY VERSE: Matthew 5:13 (NIV)
"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
The Lord Jesus Christ continues in His sermon to tell His disciples something more of their identity and their mission. They are the salt of the earth.
The assignment to be fishers of men did not limit their ministry to Israel, the whole of the earth was in mind. The imagery of salt was to let the disciples realize that they were going to be effective in the global mission as salt works quietly by extensively wherever it is placed. Believers are to flavour society and make life appealing. Salt has a cleansing effect and it also preserves food from corruption. The world should be a better place to live in because of the presence of Christians.
As salt, we are to bring transformation to the world. In Mark 9:50 the Lord spells out the need to “have salt in yourselves.” All that we believers are to do in the world must first be seen at work amongst us.
In teaching us that we are the salt of the earth the Lord also cautions us about the salt losing its saltiness. We must be careful that our Christianity does not become Christianity only in name, as an individual person or as the Church. When we fail to exercise the preservation, flavouring and cleansing effects on society the consequences are dire; rejection of Christianity by society and disrespect by all around.
Take up the great designation as salt of the earth. We have been cleansed to cleanse, and saved from spoilage to preserve society. Determine to never lose your saltiness.
Dear Lord, I am grateful that I am saved to save others from the corrupting influences of the world. Please help me to preserve my saltiness and be a positive saving influence wherever you send me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.