Living like sheep among wolves.
Rev Enoch Thompson | March 26, 2023 | Matthew 10:10-16

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matt 10:16 (NIV)
It is useful to spend some time to watch documentaries on life in the wild and see how different animal species relate to others. There is so much to be learnt from those scenes. I think the Lord Jesus Christ just gave us one such National Geographic presentations in His instructions to the Twelve that He was sending out: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.” That summarizes the dangers of the expedition of the Kingdom person in an unbelieving world, with human society becoming more and more the degenerate beings we are, even when we seem to be advancing in science, knowledge, technology and civilization. The believer in Christ who wants to be an agent of the Kingdom, as we all should, will face vicious opposition.
Some of the opposition will be in the area of religious persecution, philosophical attacks, spiritual battles, and translate into antagonism and even physical violence. The gentle spirit of the believer will be surrounded by untamed natural evil in people who will seek to destroy the believer. I have just been following the news of a university professor, in a supposedly Christian university, who has been fired because He expressed biblical views about marriage in a tweet.
What should the believer do in the face of this reality? “Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” That sums it all up. We must be conscious to deal with the evil around us in ways that will make it difficult if not impossible to have us in their trap. The snake will not be easily captured because it is cautious of its environment, watches before it moves, and listens to its environment to ensure it is not open to danger. At the same time, we must demonstrate the kind gentle nature of the dove. We must be cautious not to plan to or live to hurt other people. The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Peter puts it this way: “¹¹Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. ¹² Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” 1 Peter 2:11-12 (NIV).
Don’t be careless about your precious god-like life. There are wild people inspired by evil spirits who will seek to frustrate your Kingdom lifestyle and divine blessings. Live gently and in a godly manner. In the end, you will be vindicated, even when evil forces team up against you.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for making it clear to me that the Kingdom life and its business is a dangerous path to travel. You never hid these things from us. Please help me to be as wise as a serpent, and to be as gentle as a dove. For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.