Prayer lesson 5: When you pray remember the past acts of God
Rev. Enoch Thompson | October 22, 2023 | Nehemiah 1:1-10
They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. Nehemiah 1:10 (NIV)
The God of the Bible is an active God whose record of achievements is unbeaten. As we read the records of His past acts with the people of ancient times, we build our faith upon what is written. Along that path, we develop personal faith which serves as the fuel for the fire of our own experience of the presence and power of God. Remembering what God has done in the past keeps us from forgetting what God can do for us in the now and in the future. Because we easily forget God chose to alert Israel to remember; ¹⁰When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. ¹¹Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Deut 8:10-11(NIV).
Nehemiah recalls that it was Yahweh who had miraculously and powerfully redeemed the people of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. The Exodus was a fact that should never be forgotten in the national and individual memory of Israel. However, it was the forgetting of this fact that had made the Israelites desire and worship false gods, disobeyed God’s word to them and treated their fellow Jews in violation of the rules God gave them through Moses.
Nehemiah recalls that Yahweh had entered into a covenant relationship with Israel, by which Yahweh was to be their King and they were to be His servants. When this arrangement had been rejected by Israel, and the human rulership of the nations around them had become their desire and their way they were exposed to failure which had brought them into their present trouble. Nehemiah invokes the memory of God’s past acts as a way of expressing his hope that God will do mighty things once again for Israel.
What has God done for you in the past, can you remember and refer to them when you pray? The record of the Bible and what God has done in the past is inexhaustible and ever inspiring. In prayer tell God you remember what He has done, and that you trust Him to do the new things you ask for in prayer.
Dear God of all ages, thank you for what you have done for the ancients, and what you continue to do for our generation. I acknowledge your interventions in my personal life, and I trust that you will do more in our times.
Please give me a mind that remembers the past and gains power for the present.
In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen.
DAILY word study: REDEEMED
The Hebrew word "פָּדָה" (Padah) is translated as "redeemed" in our Key Verse for today's devotional. It carries the meaning of delivering or rescuing by payment, often associated with liberation from slavery or captivity.
In the Bible, it is used to indicate
Salvation and Liberation: Throughout the Bible, "פָּדָה" is used to describe God's act of delivering His people from bondage. It signifies a powerful act of salvation, demonstrating God's mercy and faithfulness.
Covenantal Redemption: The use of "פָּדָה" often emphasizes God's role as a Redeemer in the context of a covenant. It is not merely a transaction but a relational act of liberation rooted in God's covenant promises.
Our contemplation on the word REDEEMED in our key verse for today reveals the following truth
Price of Redemption: Reflecting on the concept of redemption prompts consideration of the price paid. In biblical terms, it often involves a cost, illustrating God's willingness to pay the price for our freedom.
Mighty Hand and Great Strength: The mention of God's great strength and mighty hand in the redemption process invites contemplation on the sheer power and authority involved in God's act of salvation.
Servanthood and Identity: The redeemed are referred to as "your servants and your people." This underscores a transformed identity—from slaves to servants and from captives to God's chosen people.
In what ways does understanding divine redemption impact your perception of identity and service to God?