Store up your treasures in heaven.
Rev Enoch Thompson | FEBRUARY 24, 2023 | MATTHEW 6:19-24
(For) where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21(NIV)
In the verses leading to our text the Lord Jesus had been warning us about the hypocrisy of seeking human earthly applause for religious duty, and showing how it robs us of Heaven’s rewards. In our text today He warns us of the danger of making this world, the things we amass here, the recognition we gain here and the titles and the positions we get from our fellow humans our treasure. Our treasure is whatever we consider essential to our identity, our prosperity, and the content of our present and future security.
Just like the hypocrites in the earlier verses, who gained value with humans and lost recognition with God, we become losers when we count our treasure by the standards of this world. On the contrary, the Lord instructs us to lay our treasures in Heaven. This means that we define ourselves by Heaven’s standards; we are because God is. We become because God makes possible our becoming. God is our greatest gain, our main audience and our security in this life and beyond the grave. What we do with our earthly possessions we do in God’s Name and for God’s glory. We seek His approval and His rewards.
When our treasures are so measured then our inner orientation (our heart) is re-focused, and dwells on God and all that He stands for, (For) where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21).
How do you define yourself and what do you consider your greatest values and valuables? You could choose to value your earthly possessions as your treasure or your approval by Heaven as your treasure. Does God, His demands and directives, form the bases of your life, or something else does? The things that preoccupy our thoughts are the treasures that we have. The Lord Jesus directs, “Store up your treasures in Heaven!”
Dear God in Heaven, thank you for alerting me about the things that could take your place in my life and make me lose the blessing of belonging to you and having you as my greatest good and rewarder. In the face of the attractions of this world, and the lies of the evil one, please help me and all who truly seek after you, to lay our treasures in Heaven. In Jesus’ precious Name, Amen.