The Kingdom of God
Rev. Charles Oppong-Poku | January 9 2025 | Acts 1:1-3
. . . He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3 (b) (NIV)
MESSAGE: After His resurrection, Jesus spent forty days teaching His disciples about the Kingdom of God. This underscores the centrality of God's Kingdom in His ministry and message. The Kingdom of God is not merely a future hope, but a present reality, a spiritual reign where God’s authority is acknowledged and His will is done. The Kingdom exists now among the people who live for God's will, his reign, to be seen in our world. Understanding and living under this Kingdom transforms our lives and purpose.
The Kingdom of God is Christ-Centered. Jesus' teachings revealed that the Kingdom is inseparable from His person and work. He is the King who ushers in God’s rule through His life, death, and resurrection. The Kingdom of God is also Spirit-empowered. Jesus prepared His disciples to continue His work, not through their strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom grows as Spirit-filled believers proclaim the gospel and live as witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom of God is transformative. Wherever the Kingdom of God is present, lives are transformed. The Kingdom brings righteousness, peace, and joy as people turn from sin and embrace God’s rule. Finally, the Kingdom of God is missional. Jesus’ teachings on the Kingdom were a call to action for His disciples. They were to spread the good news to all nations, expanding the reach of God’s Kingdom. "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations" (Matthew 24:14).
Life in God’s Kingdom begins with submitting to the lordship of Jesus Christ and living in obedience to Him as our King. We are entrusted with the mission of making disciples and inviting others into the Kingdom. Our lives must point people to Christ, the King.
Heavenly Father, thank You for calling me into Your Kingdom. I submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live as a faithful citizen of Your Kingdom. Empower me to reflect Your righteousness, peace, and joy and to share the good news with those around me. Use me to expand Your Kingdom for Your glory. Amen.
The 365 DAILY BIBLE READING Day 9: Genesis 14 — Abram Rescues Lot and Meets Melchizedek
DAILY word study: KINGDOM OF GOD The term Kingdom of God comes from the Greek phrase Basileia tou Theou, where basileia signifies rule, reign, or authority rather than a geographical domain. It emphasizes God's sovereignty and active governance.
The Kingdom of God is a central theme in Jesus’ teachings. It represents God’s sovereign rule, established through Christ’s redemptive work and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom transcends physical boundaries, emphasizing submission to God's will in every aspect of life. While its fullness will come in the future (Revelation 21:1-4), the Kingdom is presently active as believers live out Christ's teachings.
Reflection: Are you living as a citizen of God's Kingdom today? How is your life reflecting God’s rule and reign in your decisions, relationships, and mission?