The Work of the Holy Spirit
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | August 19 2024 | John 15:26-27
When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. John 15:26-27 (NIV)
Jesus introduces the Holy Spirit as the "Advocate" who will come to continue His work on earth. The Holy Spirit, described here as the "Spirit of truth," plays a crucial role in the life of the believer. He is sent from the Father to guide, comfort, and empower us in our spiritual journey. The Spirit’s primary task is to testify about Jesus, revealing His truth and bringing to light the significance of His life, death, and resurrection. Through the Holy Spirit, we receive deeper insight into Christ’s teachings and a more profound connection to His presence.
The work of the Holy Spirit is essential for our understanding and experience of God. As the Spirit of truth, He illuminates our minds and hearts, enabling us to grasp the full meaning of Jesus’ message and to live in accordance with it. This divine guidance is not only about understanding but also about transformation. The Holy Spirit works within us to produce fruit that reflects the character of Christ, helping us to embody His love, joy, and peace. By testifying about Jesus, the Spirit ensures that our relationship with Him is vibrant and genuine.
Jesus also calls His followers to testify about Him, just as the Holy Spirit does. Our witness is empowered by the Spirit, who equips us to share the truth of Jesus with others. As those who have been with Jesus from the beginning, we are entrusted with the mission to bear witness to His life and teachings. The Spirit not only helps us to testify effectively but also strengthens us to live out our testimony with authenticity and courage. Embracing the work of the Holy Spirit means partnering with Him in our witness, allowing His truth to shine through our lives and to impact the world around us.
Depend on the Holy Spirit to help live for Christ as a true witness to the world. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you to be able to testify effectively of the works of Christ in your life. Ask Him to help you shine the light of Christ to the world.
Help me Sweet Holy Spirit, to live above reproach and to shine the light of Christ in this dark world. Make me a witness to my generation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
DAILY word study: ADVOCATE The term "Advocate" is translated from the Greek word "Παράκλητος" (Parakletos). This term is derived from the verb "παρακαλέω" (parakaleo), which means "to call to one's side," "to summon for help," or "to encourage." Parakletos can be translated as comforter, counsellor, helper, intercessor, or advocate. Each of these translations reflects different aspects of the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of a believer. The context of this promise is Jesus preparing His disciples for His departure and the challenges they will face. The Holy Spirit’s role is to continue Jesus’ work by guiding, teaching, and strengthening the believers. In John 14:16-17, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit as another Advocate who will be with the believers forever, teaching them all things and reminding them of everything Jesus has said. This passage reinforces the continuous and supportive presence of the Holy Spirit in the believers' lives. Reflections: The Holy Spirit’s role is to empower us to live out the teachings of Christ in our daily lives. How can you rely more on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength in your daily walk with Christ, knowing that He is your Advocate?