Wedding invitation - do you have yours?
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | July 23, 2023 | Matthew 22:1-4

“Then he sent some more servants and said, Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.” Matthew 22:4 (NIV)
MESSAGE: In our text today, Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a wedding feast that a king arranged for His son’s marriage. It is one of the many parables that Jesus used to communicate secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven to his hearers.
The text in verse 3, presupposes that an invitation had been sent out already and the servants were sent to follow up on the invitees to the wedding. To the disappointment of the king, the invitees were not willing to attend, even though they had received their invitations ahead of time. (Read Rev. 19:6-9 for insights)
The king did not relent in persuading them to still make it to the wedding feast, by sending more servants to try and convince the invitees, and by telling them all the preparations that had been made for the feast and the effort that had gone into arranging it. He beckoned them “Come to the wedding” It is worth noting, the king’s efforts to get the invited guest to come to the wedding feast.
The characters in this parable are God (the King), Jesus (the son of the King), the Jews (invited guests), the Prophets of old (the first set of servants), the Apostles (the second set of servants) and the message of Salvation (the invitation).
God is sending out His invitation through his servants to you to come to Him. Would you accept the invitation today? Do you know how to accept the invitation? The invitation has an expiry date (it expires when you die) and therefore you must find yours NOW. You can accept the invitation by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and living for Him and allowing Him to live through you. Have you received your wedding invitation? Cherish it and keep it handy, for you will need it when the time comes.
PRAYER Dear Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is your Son and You sent Him to die for me. I want Him to live through me. Help me to live for Him. Thank you for accepting me to the Wedding Feast. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.