When you pray give God some good praise!
Rev Enoch Thompson | FEBRUARY 16, 2023 | MATTHEW 6:13
. . . for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matt 6:13 (NIV)
The Lord’s Prayer starts with an acknowledgement of God and our relationship with Him, as our Father in Heaven. The prayer ends with praise to God for His kingdom, His power and His glory. Whatever we ask for in prayer, for ourselves or for others must be covered with a desire to see God’s Kingdom in the face of the kingdoms of this world, the little kingdoms the enemy tempts us with and the tottering kingdoms we try to build for ourselves.
The true King is God and He rules over His Kingdom. But the kingdom of this world is His too, for He created all things, and they all belong to Him. Satan is only a thief that has taken humanity and the beauty of God’s creation captive. At the end of the story, we are told “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: _“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever." Rev 11:15 (NIV).
Power belongs to God, from beginning to the end. For a while, it seems the power belongs to Satan. In fact, he suggested to be the powerful one when he dared tempt the Lord Jesus with the power to give Christ the kingdoms of this world. The glory belongs to God, alone, and He has chosen to share it with us to an extent in this life (John 17:22), and forever in eternity, He will glorify us (Rom. 8:17-18).
God does not need my praise and worship. He is sufficient in and of Himself. And yet He gives me the privilege of believing and speaking His praises. This is indeed a rare privilege to bring praise to God when we pray.
Reflect on the call for attention by Satan and the world system, to deviate our attention from the praise due God. Will you make up your mind that by mindset, attitude, words and actions you will magnify God?
Lord, I really appreciate who you are, your Kingdom, your power, and your glory. Please help me by your Holy Spirit to always project your greatness. May your Church be a praising Church, till we join the saints in glory. For your dear Name’s sake, let it be so, Amen.