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Assurance of His divine presence

Rev. Charles Oppong-Poku | June 18, 2023 | Matthew 18:19-20


"For where two or three gather in my name, there am with them" Matthew 18:20 (NIV)


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves longing for assurance and companionship. We seek solace in the knowledge that we are not alone, and that someone is there to guide and support us. Thankfully, as believers, we have the blessed assurance of the divine presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 18:20 reminds us of this comforting truth: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." He understood their challenges as they carried His message to the world. He knew that doubts, discouragement, and fear would often try to hinder their progress. Amid these difficulties, Jesus reassured them that whenever they gathered, no matter how few, His divine presence would be with them. This assurance applies not only to the disciples of that time but also to us today.

As we gather as believers, whether in small groups, church congregations, or even when we come together in prayer and worship with just one or two fellow believers, we can be confident that Jesus is in our midst. He is not a distant God but a personal and present Savior. Knowing that Jesus is with us brings a deep sense of comfort and encouragement. It means that in our moments of doubt, we can find reassurance in His unchanging presence. When we face trials and challenges, we can draw strength from the fact that we are not alone. The Lord of all creation is right there beside us, guiding us, and providing the support we need.

When we gather in His name, His Spirit is there, knitting our hearts together in unity. It is in this togetherness that we experience the fullness of His presence. Let us seek opportunities to gather with fellow believers, nurture relationships, and support one another in our spiritual journey. And when we find ourselves in solitude, let us remember that we are never truly alone, for Jesus promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Jesus declares, "There am I with them". When we come together in the authority and identity of Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as our Lord and Savior, we open ourselves to His unique presence and power.


How does the assurance of Christ's divine presence impact your daily life and decision-making? In what ways do you actively seek to cultivate an awareness of Christ's presence in your life? When faced with challenges or moments of doubt, how do you remind yourself of the assurance of Christ's presence? Matthew 18:20 offers a beautiful reminder of the assurance we have in the divine presence of Jesus Christ. This truth brings comfort, strength, and encouragement as we journey through life, knowing that we are never alone. May we always cherish the assurance of His divine presence and actively seek opportunities to gather in His name, experiencing the transformative power of His presence in our lives.


Lord Jesus, we invite Your presence to dwell among us. May Your Holy Spirit guide, comfort, and strengthen us in every moment of our lives. Help us to be aware of Your loving presence, leading us closer to You and shaping our thoughts, words, and actions. May Your presence bring peace to our troubled hearts, wisdom to our decisions, and hope to our weary souls. For your dear Name’s sake. Amen!



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