Be a Witness of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Rev. Tse Amable | January 24 2025 | Acts 2:14-36

KEY VERSE: “God has raised this Jesus to life, and WE ARE ALL WITNESSES OF THE FACT.” Acts 2:32 (NIV)
The historic event of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead took centre stage in the preaching of the early apostles. Before his ascension to heaven, the Risen Lord told his disciples, “This is what is written: THE CHRIST WILL SUFFER AND RISE FROM THE DEAD ON THE THIRD DAY, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. YOU ARE WITNESSES OF THESE THINGS” (Luke 24:46-48). A witness is a person who provides evidence in a court of an event, accident or incident that he has firsthand knowledge of (he personally was there when the event took place).
It was necessary that the early church testified as witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ because this is the central pillar of the church of Jesus Christ. The Jewish religious leaders, with the connivance of their Roman collaborators, attempted to hide this truth (the resurrection of Jesus Christ), going to the extent of bribing the soldiers who were posted to guard the tomb where the body of Jesus Christ laid (see Matthew 28:11-15).
In Acts 4:10, Apostle Peter again witnessed about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul also wrote to the Romans that Jesus Christ was “through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4). Simon Peter chose at the peril of his life to be a faithful witness of the truth because he could not “DO ANYTHING AGAINST THE TRUTH BUT ONLY FOR THE TRUTH” (2 Corinthians 13:8). Because of his commitment to the truth as a witness of the resurrection, he boldly declared “God has raised this Jesus to life, and WE ARE ALL WITNESSES OF THE FACT”.
You and I, all believers, have been called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and witnesses for the resurrection. We must fearlessly and boldly testify to what we have received, read and taught from the word of truth – the gospel of Jesus Christ. BE A WITNESS OF THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST!
Why was it necessary for Apostle Peter to hammer the resurrection of Jesus Christ in his message? How are you living as a witness of Jesus Christ and for the resurrection? Can the world around you testify that Jesus Christ is risen because they see him in your life?
Father, I pray that you will empower me to be a fearless and courageous witness of Jesus Christ in all things – my words and deeds. Let the world through me come to know that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected back to life after 3 days in the grave. Amen!
The 365 DAILY BIBLE READING Day 24: Genesis 32-33 — Jacob Wrestles with God and Reconciles with Esau
DAILY word study: WITNESSES The Greek word for “witnesses” in Acts 2:32 is μάρτυρες (martures), derived from the root μάρτυς (martys), meaning one who bears testimony. This term later came to describe those who testified to Christ’s truth, even at the cost of their lives, giving us the English word "martyr."
In the biblical context, being a witness was more than recounting an event; it was a deep commitment to the truth that shaped one’s life. The apostles' witness of Jesus’ resurrection wasn’t merely factual—it was transformative. They testified with boldness because they had firsthand knowledge of Christ’s power and victory over death (Acts 4:10). Their witness became the foundation of the Church, proclaiming that Jesus' resurrection validated Him as the Son of God (Romans 1:4).
To witness is not just to speak but to live in a way that reflects the reality of Christ’s resurrection. Does your life demonstrate the hope and power of Jesus’ resurrection? In what ways can you be a fearless witness in your words and actions?
