Don't Just Stand There
Rev. Charles Oppong-Poku | January 12 2025 | Acts 1:9-11

¹⁰ They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ¹¹ “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:10-11 (NIV)
MESSAGE: As Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples stood gazing at the sky, overwhelmed by what they had just witnessed. While the angels didn’t say the exact words, their message was clear: "Don’t just stand there!" Jesus had instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4), and the two angels appeared to remind them that He would return. Their words encouraged the disciples to move forward with the mission Jesus entrusted to them. This message applies to us today: we are not called to wait passively for Jesus’ return but to live out His mission actively.
The disciples’ amazement was natural; they had just witnessed the glory of Jesus ascending to heaven. The angels’ question, “Why do you stand here?” was a gentle reminder that the disciples’ mission was not to stand idly but to carry out Jesus’ command to be His witnesses. The angels assured the disciples that Jesus would return in the same way He left. Jesus will return just as He went. He left physically and will come in like manner. He left visibly and will come in like manner, and this hope of Christ’s return should inspire urgency and faithfulness in fulfilling our Kingdom's responsibilities. We await His return, but until then, we have a mission to fulfil. Let's get busy doing it - praying, worshipping, anticipating, serving, and witnessing.
“Don’t just stand there” is a powerful reminder that while we await Jesus’ return, there is work to be done. We are called to live actively, share His love, spread His truth, and faithfully serve in His Kingdom. Let us reflect on His glory, respond to His call, and live in hope of His return.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the promise of Your return and for the mission You have entrusted to us. Help me not to stand idly but faithfully serve You in every way. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I may live with purpose and share Your love until You come again. Amen.
The 365 DAILY BIBLE READING Day 12: Genesis 17 — The Covenant of Circumcision and God Renames Abram
DAILY word study: STAND HERE The Greek word for "stand" is histēmi (ἵστημι), meaning "to set, place, or establish." It often conveys an intentional posture of readiness or steadfastness.
In Acts 1:10-11, "standing here" reflects the disciples' lingering amazement. The angels’ rhetorical question redirects them from passive observation to active obedience. The term implies a transition from stillness to action in response to Jesus' command. Standing still can symbolize waiting, reverence, or hesitation. Biblically, waiting on God often involves action—prayer, preparation, and obedience (Isaiah 40:31). The disciples were called to shift from awe to purpose, trusting in Christ's promise of return while fulfilling His mandate.
Reflection: Are you "standing here" in awe or hesitation, unsure of what’s next? God calls us to move from passive observation to purposeful action. Be steadfast in faith but ready to step into His calling.
