Everyone needs assurance
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | June 28, 2023 | Matthew 19:27
Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left everything to follow You. What then will there be for us? Matthew 19:27 (NIV)
Having listened to the statements of Jesus and following the discussion with the rich young man, and understanding what the focus of Jesus’ lesson for the day was, Peter had to react. Peter is known for being quick-tempered and unable to control his feelings or hide his emotions. He is usually the one who would be the mouthpiece of the other disciples, to voice out to Jesus what the group was thinking or discussing. Even though, most times the master already knew their thoughts and addressed them before they had the opportunity to bring them out into the open.
This time also, Peter did not disappoint; as the spokesperson for the others, and as the one to confront the situation, He spoke; “see, we have left everything to follow you, what then will there be for us?” In other words, if you say people who have possession and trust in their possessions would have to leave everything behind and follow you before they can enter the kingdom of heaven, we also had things we trusted in which were our possession, but we have left all that to follow you. What are we also gaining by following you, what is there for us? Will we also be required to off-load anything else before we can enter the kingdom of God? Because we have nothing left to off-load.
There are times in our Christian journey when we ask similar questions to the ones Peter was asking Jesus. Especially when things do not seem to be going well as expected after sacrificing ourselves for the cause of Christ and standing for Him when we could have taken an easier (but ungodly) way out. We question our decision to answer the call and to follow Christ when we go into some hardship or some prolonged persecution at the peril of our self-image and even our very lives.
Child of God, it is ok to ask questions because we are human, and we sometimes feel left out there by ourselves when times get tough. Jesus asked a question on the cross at the peak of his humanity; my God my God, why have you forsaken me? So, it’s okay to feel helpless and left out and ask questions, it’s human.
When you feel down and out. When you feel left out or abandoned. When questions cloud your thoughts, and you fail in getting answers. Know that He says, He will be with you to the very end of the age. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Be rest assured that He has good plans for you and thinks good thoughts towards you. Find assurance in His word.
Dear heavenly father, I believe in your word. Help me to trust in your assurance and hold on to your word, to guide me through this life. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.