O God, send us Ministers with heavenly accreditation!!!
Rev Enoch Thompson | APRIL 10, 2023 | Matthew 11:7-10
(Resumption of verse-by-verse reflection)
This is the one about whom it is written:
‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' Matthew 11:10 (NIV)
A messenger often reflects the stature and orientation of their sending office. An ambassador reflects the dignity of the sending monarch or ruler of their home-country. In our text today the Lord Jesus Christ finished answering the question of His identity that John the Baptist had brought through His disciples to him, and as they take their leave, He raises the question of the identity of John the Baptist to His disciples. For the Jews who were accustomed to religious teachers, and people with prophetic declarative gifts to the point of even the writing prophets, John the Baptist, and even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself might be one of many religious attractions passing through their experience. At the particular point in history, the national liberation forces seeking political independence from Rome and colouring their ambitions with the Messianic expectations of the people would have made it difficult for the people, and even the leaders of the nation to see the visitation of God, to bring about their salvation. No wonder they did not see the time of their visitation, and rejected the Lord of glory, asking in His place for a murderer to be released to them.
The Lord took time to indicate that John the Baptist was not merely a preacher/ prophet as the many who had come before him but was that special messenger of God who was to come in the spirit of Elijah and to introduce the coming of God among His people as He had promised in Malachi 4:4-6. John was a man whose birth and its attendant developments were part of the divine visitation which Israel was not seeing. He paid dearly for standing for the truth when he spoke against the sins of the people and of their leaders. In an era where sin is becoming the norm and human thinking is more and more becoming warped by unthinkable perversions and wickedness, we need men and women who are anointed by God to represent Him to humanity.
We need a truly prophetic voice from every pulpit and from every pew. We need true believers who will point to Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Life, without whom no one will get to the Father. We need men and women of God who will not be ordinary people, like reeds being swayed in the wind, nor be people of elegance like those who wear fine robes and have political attachments in palaces. We need a prophetic people of God from professional Ministers in every pulpit, to lay people in the pews, who are accredited by Heaven, and are conscious of a divine assignment.
If you are a disciple of the resurrected Saviour Jesus Christ, you have a duty to represent Him to the dying world around you. Pray that God will give you the boldness to speak for God wherever you find yourself. Who are the special ministers of God He has placed in your life and over you? How do you value them and support them?
O God, more than send us ministers with heavenly accreditation, make us all ministers with heavenly accreditation!!! Let your word go forth from your Church with power. Lord, make us ministers with heavenly accreditation! For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.