Our Fruits as True Witness to Christ
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | August 6, 2024 | John 15:8
This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8 (NIV)
In John 15:8, Jesus highlights the connection between bearing fruit and demonstrating true discipleship. Bearing much fruit brings glory to the Father and shows our commitment to Christ. This fruit is not merely about good deeds, but the manifestation of a transformed life rooted in Jesus. When we remain in Christ, His character and love flow through us, resulting in spiritual fruit that reflects His nature. This transformation is a testament to our genuine discipleship and brings honour to God.
A fruitful life is marked by the qualities of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Our efforts do not produce these characteristics but are the result of the Holy Spirit working within us. We naturally exhibit these traits as we abide in Christ and submit to His guidance. Our actions, attitudes, and relationships begin to mirror Christ's, showcasing the transformative power of His presence in our lives. This visible fruit serves as a powerful witness to others, drawing them towards the source of our transformation—Jesus Himself.
Living a fruitful life is an ongoing process that requires intentionality and dependence on God. It involves daily surrender to Christ, allowing His Word to shape our thoughts and actions, and seeking His strength to live out His commands.
As we prioritize our relationship with Jesus, we become more effective in our witness and more impactful in our service. Our lives, bearing much fruit, become a reflection of God's glory and a demonstration of our true discipleship. Let us commit to remaining in Christ, allowing His life to flow through us, and bearing fruit that honours God and draws others to Him.
Are you a disciple of Christ Jesus? Are you living for Christ? Where are your witnesses? Where are your fruits? Determine to bear fruits that witness to Christ. Let your fruits testify of your discipleship of Christ.
Dear Lord, I want to be more like you. I want your character to be seen in me, and your love to be expressed through me. May your Holy Spirit guide me to live in you, and bear fruits through me. Father, let my fruits be a witness that I am truly your disciple. For your dear name’s sake. Amen.
DAILY word study: SHOWING The word "showing" in our key verse is translated from the Greek word "γίνομαι" (ginomai), which means to become, be made, or to show oneself. In the context of John 15:8, it conveys the idea of demonstrating or proving oneself to be a true disciple of Jesus through the bearing of fruit. "Showing" in the context of the focal verse for our devotion refers to the visible evidence of discipleship. Bearing fruit is about actions and characteristics that visibly reflect Christ to others. It is through these fruits that disciples prove their genuine connection to Jesus and bring glory to God. The act of bearing fruit serves as a testimony to the world of a believer's relationship with Christ. It is through these fruits—actions, behaviours, and character traits—that believers show themselves to be true disciples. Reflections: Bearing fruit is an essential aspect of discipleship that goes beyond personal spiritual development to include visible actions and behaviours that reflect Christ to others. What specific fruits are evident in my life that show I am a true disciple of Christ, and how do these fruits bring glory to God?