Seeing Beyond the Surface
Rev. Tetteh-Annor Larbi | February 5, 2024 | John 1:47-51

“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. John 1:48a (NIV)
MESSAGE: Witnessing Nathanael's journey from scepticism to revelation in his encounter with Jesus is remarkable. Initially doubtful of Jesus' origin, Nathanael's perspective undergoes a significant shift when Jesus perceives his true character, declaring him to be an Israelite without deceit. This divine insight astonishes Nathanael, prompting him to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and the King of Israel. It's a poignant reminder that Jesus sees beyond the surface, discerning the depths of our hearts with compassion and clarity.
Jesus' response to Nathanael's confession unveils the depth of His identity and mission. He promises Nathanael and all believers that they will witness even greater manifestations of His power and glory. By referencing Jacob's vision of angels ascending and descending on a ladder (Genesis 28:12), Jesus reveals Himself as the ultimate bridge between heaven and earth. In Him, the divine and human intersect, offering humanity access to the heavenly realm and eternal communion with God.
May we, like Nathanael, respond with faith and reverence, declaring Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and embracing His promise of greater revelations of His glory in our lives.
Examine your perceptions of Christ. Are you willing to see beyond the surface and embrace Jesus as the Son of God and the King of our lives? Open your heart to the transformative power of encountering Jesus and allow Him to reveal Himself to you in deeper and more meaningful ways.
Lord Jesus, I want to know you more and walk with you more closely. I open my heart to you, to reveal yourself to me in a deeper and more meaningful way. Help me to follow you more diligently with my whole heart. Thank you for hearing me. Amen.
DAILY word study: KNOW ME The phrase "know me" in the Greek text is translated from "γνῶσκεις με" (gnōskeis me). "γνῶσκεις" (gnōskeis) is a present tense indicative verb, indicating continuous action. It means to know, recognize, or understand. "με" (me) is the pronoun "me," meaning me or myself.
In John 1:48, Nathanael expresses surprise that Jesus knew him before they met. Jesus responds with the statement, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."Jesus isn't merely referring to superficial knowledge but a deep and personal understanding of Nathanael, even before their encounter.
This interaction emphasizes the divinity and omniscience of Jesus. He perceives not just Nathanael's physical location but also his character and thoughts."Knowing" in this context goes beyond intellectual awareness; it implies a personal relationship and a revelation of Nathanael's inner self.
How does the idea that Jesus intimately knows and understands you impact your perception of your relationship with Him? In what ways does this knowledge influence your approach to prayer, worship, and daily life?