So that the Work of God Might be Displayed
Rev. Enoch Thompson | May 14, 2024 | John 9:1-7

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” John 9:3 (NIV)
The challenges of life are many and varied and show up in unexpected times and places. The case of a person born blind makes the inquisitive minds of humans seek an explanation which sometimes does not make sense. If the man in the text was born blind, then how could he have sinned before he was born, so that he was born blind? That question also puts the other assumed cause of his blindness to sleep, was it the sin of the parents that brought about his condition?
We learn from the baselessness of the proposed causes of the blindness of the man that it is not always true that people have sinned and that is why they suffer. Certainly, other parts of Scripture show that sin can lead to sickness and disaster, but not in this case.
The underlying fact for us today is that when bad things happen to people, whether by their own bringing it upon themselves or not, God is able and willing to work His works in their lives and to give them His rest. "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. John 9:3 (NIV).
Do you have a baffling situation in your life? If you know the cause to be some sin committed by yourself or by someone else’s sin, then ask for forgiveness and plead for God’s intervention. If you do not have clear indications of the cause of the challenge, simply trust in the power of God to work His works for you on the merit of Christ Jesus our Advocate.
Father in Heaven, thank you for your power to will and to do good to me, a frail mortal being. Please come on my side, and do what only you can do, to free me from every form and cause of evil. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen!
DAILY word study: WORK OF GOD The Greek word translated as "works" in John 9:3 is ἔργα (erga), which generally refers to deeds, actions, or works. In this context, it denotes the miraculous acts or divine interventions that manifest God's power and glory. The word "God" in Greek is Θεοῦ (Theou), which signifies the works belonging to or originating from God.
Together, ἔργα Θεοῦ (erga Theou) emphasizes the miraculous works specifically attributed to God. These works serve as a demonstration of His divine nature, sovereignty, and redemptive purposes.
Jesus corrects the disciples' assumption that the man's blindness was due to sin, explaining that his condition was permitted by God to reveal divine power and glory through his healing.
Throughout the Bible, God's miraculous interventions display His power and glory, from Jesus' healing miracles to the Exodus from Egypt and the resurrection of Lazarus.
Jesus' statement emphasizes God's sovereignty in orchestrating events for redemptive purposes, challenging the idea that suffering always results from sin. It underscores the importance of recognizing and glorifying God's works as a testimony to His power and love.
How does recognizing the miraculous works of God in your life impact your faith and understanding of His character and purposes? How can you actively participate in sharing God's miraculous works with others as a testament to His power and love?