What is it that makes you angry?
Rev. Enoch Thompson | July 6, 2023 | Matthew 20:20-24

When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. Matthew 20:24 (NIV)
There are many reasons why we get angry, and these reasons may be right or wrong. Cain got angry because Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable to God whereas his was not (Genesis 3). Jacob was angry because Laban was not straightforward in His dealings with him (Genesis 31:36). Moses was angry because of the rebellion of Korah and his followers (Numbers 16:15). There are many more cases in Scripture. We also get angry, but why, and to what end?
In our text today the ten Apostles were angry when they heard of “the Zebedee Petition.” The question for our reflection is, what was the reason why they were angry? Were they angry because they were offended by the insensitivity of the Zebedee clan, their selfishness and utter lack of Kingdom focus? Or were they angry because they also were planning to, and would have made those lobbying moves in their own time? Maybe they were awaiting the arrival of their uncles, or some other persons close to the Lord to make their request for them. And then the Zebedees jumped in ahead of everyone?
We must get angry with wrong behaviour and seek to call attention to what is inconsistent with the Kingdom of God. However, when our anger is a shrouded expression of our own sinfulness and sinful desires, then we must avoid hiding behind the Lord to vent our wrongness.
When we are not able to get angry at wrongdoing around us it means that there is something wrong with our conscience. When we express anger at the wrongs of others, we must check ourselves to make sure that our motives are right, and that we are truly zealous for the Lord and His Kingdom.
Lord, please help me to manage my gift of anger, and make it holy anger which corresponds with that above. May I be slow to get angry when my anger is selfish and does not bring about the righteousness of God. May I too be unsatisfied with what makes you angry, that I may truly share in the divine nature as a Kingdom citizen. For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.
A great message. I am blessed this morning for this wonderful word.