Keep His Word and You Will Never Die
Rev. Charles Oppong-Poku | May 11, 2024 | John 8:48-51

“Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he shall never see death” John 8:51 (NKJV)
In John 8:51, Jesus makes a profound statement about the eternal nature of those who keep His word. This passage offers hope and speaks to the assurance of salvation and the promise of life beyond physical death for believers. This speaks to believers' hope in Christ, knowing that their souls are secure in Him. Keeping Jesus' word involves faithfulness and obedience to His teachings. This reflects a life surrendered to Christ, guided by His word, and characterised by a desire to follow Him wholeheartedly. Jesus' statement also highlights believers' victory over death through Him. While physical death is a reality, it is not the end for those who are in Christ. Believers can have confidence in the promise of eternal life with Him.
When we become Christians, when we are baptised into Christ, we die to our old selves. We are raised to live a new life. The old life is gone. The most important death has happened. Yes, our bodies will eventually die. But as Christians, we are united with Christ and not even physical death can separate us from him. The part of us that is spiritually alive goes to be with Jesus and awaits his triumphant return to Earth in glory. At that time, everything that belongs to him will be transformed, and we will receive immortal bodies to live with him forever. When we obey him, when we belong to him, death cannot claim the living part of us. We will never die but will live with the Lord forever. As Paul says, we should encourage one another with this message!
How does Christ's promise of eternal life impact your perspective on death? In what ways are you striving to keep Jesus' word in your daily life? Deepen your trust in God's promise of eternal life and live more fully in light of this truth.
Almighty and eternal God, my Abba Father, thank you for making me yours and joining my life to Jesus so that death can claim only my body, but can never have me. I look forward to the coming day of victory when I will join all of your children to celebrate and participate in your glory! In Jesus' name and by his power, I praise you. Amen.
DAILY word study: DEATH The Greek word for "death" in this passage is "θάνατος" (thanatos), which typically refers to physical death but is also used metaphorically to denote spiritual death or separation from God.
Jesus accuses his opponents of being spiritually dead, belonging to their father, the devil, who is the source of sin and spiritual death. This spiritual death results in their inability to understand and accept Jesus' message of truth and salvation.
Reflecting on your own life, do you find yourself spiritually alive in Christ, or are you spiritually dead, separated from God due to sin and disobedience? How can you experience spiritual life and renewal through Jesus Christ?