Trouble in the path of Godly living.
Rev. Enoch Thompson | May 15, 2023 | Matthew 14:22-24

. . . but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Matthew 14:24 (NIV)
A certain teaching from some preachers gives the impression that the Christian life is trouble-free and that when one walks with God all things will always go well. This is an expression of an aspect of the Prosperity Gospel. Certainly, God is a God of blessing, and He prospers the ways of those who walk with Him and do His bidding and gives them peace. But this does not exempt Kingdom citizens from earthly troubles. I do not believe in the prosperity Gospel, but I believe there is prosperity in the Gospel. They are two different things. Sometimes, into the will of God and into trouble.
In our text today we see how the Lord set the disciples in a boat to go to the other side of the lake from the place where He had fed the multitudes. However, having moved a considerable distance in their journey they were faced with opposing winds that created a fearful storm. The disciples here were not like the rebellious prophet Jonah, who set his mind and took action to move away from the clear directions of God. These were obedient followers of the Lord who were in the process of obeying His directives and who find themselves in this difficulty.
Sometimes into the will of God and into trouble, indeed. Some challenges will not surface in one’s life until in obedience to God’s Word one gets married. Some challenges will not come to us until we determine to stay closer to the Saviour in purity of tongue, thought and action. Some challenges will not come to us until we decide to contribute faithfully to the financial upkeep of the Church.
The disciples could have turned around and returned to where Jesus had sent them because the problem with the boat was that “. . . the wind was against it.” Matt 14:24 (NIV). A turnaround would have put the wind in their favour and removed their danger, but they continued into the storm, in the direction given by the Master.
Have you ever been in a difficulty just because you were in obedience to God? When you find yourself in the ways of trouble because of your godly obedience, remember that the Lord has not forgotten in which direction He sent you, and that in His time He will calm the storms.
Lord, I pray that I shall be weaned from the misconception of insulation from challenges and gather the courage of forging ahead in the midst of the storm. May I never yield to the direction of the winds of the forces around me. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. For your dear Name’s sake, Amen.