Prior Information - Pt. 8
Rev. Osei Kwabena Nkrahene | August 28 2024 | John 16:5-7

But now, I am going to Him who sent me.” John 16:5a (NIV)
This verse holds great power and significance.
First, it highlights Jesus Christ’s certainty about His return to Heaven, the place from which He was sent on a divine mission (John 1:1-13). In John 2:18-22, Jesus alluded to His death and resurrection, demonstrating His awareness of His mission's ultimate purpose.
Apostle Peter, in Acts 2:29-36, affirms that God would never abandon His Anointed One to the grave. Jesus, with His final breath, entrusted His Spirit to the Father, fully confident in the safety and security found in God's hands. This example challenges us to place absolute faith in God's Word, whether it concerns prayer, giving, righteous living, or any other aspect of our lives.
The verse also subtly addresses the suffering Jesus would endure before His departure. Luke 9:51 tells us that when the time approached for Him to be taken up to Heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. His unwavering determination to complete His mission serves as a powerful example for us. May God grant us the same resolve to finish our tasks faithfully.
Lastly, we observe the seamless collaboration between the Father and the Son to fulfil the divine purpose. The Son willingly took on human form, leaving His heavenly glory behind. Soon, we will see the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, stepping in to fulfil His role in this divine plan.
God’s Word is for our doctrine and practice. Our attitude to know and practise it leaves much to be desired. PRAYER:
Lord, please help me: To faithfully carry out Your assignment by believing in Your Word, being determined to complete it, and accepting the need to work with others. THERE SHALL BE SHOWERS OF BLESSING.